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MGS Soluções em Informática  is focused on ensuring a high level of satisfaction among our customers and partners. This is the main function of our company. Our vision is to provide high value experiences to our customers e partners in all Interactions with MGS Soluções em Informática , encouraging them to realize their full potential.



MGS Soluções em Informática _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ has a partnership with the company Projetos Especiais  CNPJ 58.852.492/0001-23 focused on the area _cc781905-5cdebad_3bdecf-514-5cdebb3bcf-514-bad36 and servers, partnership with the company Elétrica Construção Alfa Geral under CNPJ: 29.563.499/0001-27 focused on the electrical part  e structural, partnership with FK Electronics under the CNPJ: 33.051.429/0001-67 focused on installing cameras  e high quality DVR's with Full HD images, we thank the partner companies.

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